Saturday, February 29, 2020

Humanitarian Series

Humanitarian Series
James T. Bogden, PMP

The purpose of this series is to present viable solutions to real-world challenges as well as discuss natural systems. There may also be comparisons between natural and synthetic or man-made systems. The prevailing view in these posts is humans have dominion over creation and nature is designed then deliberately placed to support humans. There is a balanced approach to life.

Societies around the planet have been developing complex economies and cultural cooperations. There are some societies that have not advanced due to isolation, cultural beliefs, or poor leadership. These posts propose a model that may be adapted to each instance to improve basic needs and begin building a modern economy for integration into the complex global economy.

Economic systems are diverse. The natural economic system is free-market capitalism when all human-imposed controls are removed. These posts discuss the different systems and compare their value for humanity.

Food production and green space are important aspects of human interaction with the environment around them. Urban gardening will become more important as cities increase in population.

Future posts will continue to appear here sporadically.

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