Friday, July 23, 2010

9. Keep Your Balance: Proving Yourself on Your New Job

The life of a leader is a balancing act especially during transition. Keeping your balance amidst transition is a challenge. Thinking you are lone warrior as a leader or that it is lonely at the top is the incorrect thinking. The virtue of being a leader is that you are not alone because you are leading something, someone.

In maintaining balance, you must avoid vicious cycles. You must maintain focus and not ride off in many directions. You will need to defend your boundaries. You cannot become too brittle and be willing to back away from failing course of actions. You cannot be isolated and must be connected to your coalition and team. You’ll need to assess yourself for biased judgments. One of the more challenging efforts is taking the bull by the horns. Some leaders will attempt to avoid the work which is a mistake. All too often leaders create self-generated stress placing them over the top in unnecessary stress.

In balancing there are three pillars of self-efficacy. The first, adopting success strategies have been detailed in the past eight postings that reviewed Watkin’s book. The second is enforcing personal disciplines and doing what you should do. You, the disciplined leader, should plan to plan; prudently make commitments; set aside time for hard work; stand back from your situation; focus on the process; recognize when to quit; and self assess. Self assessment is not easy. You’ll need to reflect upon your emotional and intellectual state as well as the situation at hand. Lastly, is creating support systems that assert local control and stabilize the home front. Also you’ll need to build your support network in order to keep your balance.

Proving Yourself on Your New Job. The steps are:

01. Promote Yourself
02. Accelerate Your Learning
03. Match Strategy to Situation
04. Securing Early Wins
05. Negotiate Success
06. Achieve Alignment
07. Build Your Team
08. Create Coalitions
09. Keep Your Balance
10. Expedite Everyone

Should you have any comments or questions please feel free to post or email me;


Watkins, M. (2003) The first 90 days: Critical success strategies for new leaders at all levels. Harvard Business School Press. Boston, Ma.

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