Saturday, November 20, 2010

Innovation Shatters Paradigms

Several years ago, ATT sought to leverage technology in the global networks heralding the move as the most advanced network in the world. Their references to nodes, topologies, and ATT’s most technologically advanced network were reminiscent of traditional networking approaches not an advanced technology or methodologies. While clearly a marketing campaign, this is myopic serving only established markets with known demand. ATT’s efforts are nothing more than a tactical grab for global market share stemming from a strategic plan to position for a perceived future marketplace. A true pioneer would define the marketplace instead of positioning themselves as a jackal ready for prey. As a jackal, all you get is just what ever seems to come along then battle for morsels. A slight paradigm shift in thinking could propel information processing into realms far beyond any of the current thinking.

One paradigm that needs to be shattered is the idea of information sharing. Now, you think what is this guy talking about? The X Files, a popular television show, has a byline, The truth is out there, that applies well to this discussion. The current information sharing assumption is that someone out there is processing needed information. All we need to do is find that information. Unfortunate for both parties that neither knows of the other, let alone what information is needed and how best to exchange that information between both sides once the need is discovered. We think we can just email it around as a CSV file or a word processing document. These formats require a level of technical skill and time to digest the data. In general, somehow computers, networks, and software are the mystic medium that makes the connection to the other side. However, the connection is not so mystic. Instead, the connection should be managed right down to the desk or computational device! 

Complex Adaptive Systems may offer a solution. Using the idea of the node, complexity of network connections, and Just In Time (JIT) manufacturing concepts information can be processed, advertised, and disseminated through dynamic networks globally. Nodes, instead of being peripherals, could become JIT U-Shaped information processing cells where inputs and outputs are managed. These inputs and outputs are globally accessible using the existing telecommunication networks. The producer node advertises its products and services then dynamically connects to an information consumer who has a need. 

The beauty in such a system is the economy that emerges. Consumer nodes purchase raw data and process final products becoming a producer node that are advertised over the networks at a price. This kind of thinking could drive numerous new markets to include truly virtual companies. If a true virtual company emerges then this may cause the digital profit model to gain independence from the brick and mortal anchor to which it is tethered. There are so many possibilities but industry needs independent creative thinkers who can shape the market rather than lie in wait in the weed patches of wrecked economies hoping and waiting for opportunity.


Adrian Slywotzky, September 2003, The Art of Profitability, Grand Central Publishing, ISBN:9780446692274

Englander, I. (2003). The Architecture of Computer Hardware and Systems Software: An information Technology Approach. (3rd ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc.

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