Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Final Thoughts: Comebacks at Work

Commentary: This concludes the series that highlighted the book Comebacks At Work as the work place has become an increasing challenge today. People are on edge, tempers flare, and in some cases the competitiveness has taken a hostile direction.  Simply put, good communication skills is not enough.  Professionals must become skilled at handling difficult people and in many cases corporate psychopaths.

This series of postings discussed using communication methods to gain control of circumstances and reduce your chances of becoming a target. We covered the chapters in the book adding additional support and highlighting the need to improve communication skills.  I provided when appropriate with authors works such as Dale Carnegie to enhance the understanding.  Now Final Thoughts from Dr Readon.

Final Thoughts

No one is a comeback expert as it takes a lifetime of practice always improving. Having a repertoire or tool kit of practice and a good sense of when and with whom ti use comebacks is a good start.  Achieving confidence and a comfort zone with Comebacks is experience driven through mostly trial and error.   One of the key tactics with comebacks is to study the people around you. Listen to the more savvy people and what they say and do.  You do not need to become like them just learn the culture. 

Too many people reflect back and think to themselves, Ïf I had only said..." The goal in this book is to reduce those anxiety producing moments.  Dr Reardon provided a R-List and other strategies to to experiment and find your comfort zone. Once you gain confidence you may leave your comfort zone achieving a higher command in communications. 

However, do not get too comfortable as the circumstances change. New bosses turnover, atmospheres migrate, rivalries emerge, and career stages clash. All these episodes require changes in communications and comebacks.  Regardless, of the circumstances and environment the message needs to be sent that you will stand your ground and you will not tolerate attacks even if you are in a good situation currently.

If you are in a company with a highly political or pathological culture (i.e. a high degree of personality based character ethics) you are now ready to assume greater control over the situation creating your own space where things are better.  Utilizing the tactics in this book you will be able to enhance your skill level keeping people with your worst interests at heart at bay. 

Do not worry, you will make mistakes. In time, you will gain a gut feel for the comebacks. Just knowing that you have the capacity is a very comforting thing. Practice in everything you do and everywhere you go. Everyday is an adventure. 

Comments: "Comebacks at Work" is not about how to be a Smart Aleck but instead how to be in control by assessing the situation, your style, and the deliberate use of language. While seemingly intense and a lot of material to think about, with training, memorization, and practice the comeback become easier.  This concludes this series. Thanks! I hope you picked up on some valuable skills. 


Reardon, K.K., (2010). Comebacks at work: using conversation to master confrontation. (1 ED.). Harper Collins publishers, New York

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